Monday, April 25, 2016


DesMan Project
This project was very fun and entertaining to work on. I learned a lot about how different equations and by seeing them displayed on the graph, I am able to understand them more clearly. I really enjoyed this project; however, messing with the numbers was a little frustrating. Overall, this was a great project :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Circles Project

Equation for circumference: \pid
In terms of x and y: y= \pix

x= d
y= c

What value best fits m? 3.16

Why does this make sense? This makes sense because we are essentially finding the circumference with these two measurements.

I noticed several patterns throughout this project. I had a lot of fun with this project. It was very fun going around the school learning about circles and getting a deeper understanding for what we are learning. The graphs were somewhat difficult but I feel like it was a good learning experience.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pythagorean Spiral Project

This project was very fun and allowed me to fully understand the concept of the Pythagorean Theory. However, I did struggle with the accuracy of my calculations and I kept forgetting to reduce my radicals. This along with the amount of time were the only challenges of this project. Overall, it was a cool and fun experience in which I learned a lot. :)

Sunday, October 4, 2015



       In making this deshouse, I learned a lot about how to make equations for different kinds of lines on a graph; for example, horizontal, vertical, diagnol, parallel, perpendicular, and positive/ negative slope lines. In the future this will be helpful when making and depicting different lines on a more complex graph. I thought it was fun to be able to put all the lines together in order to make a house, but the equations were very difficult to figure out. Overall, it was a fun project and I learned a lot.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Sylly Story

Verifying Statements

Conditional: If your a Georgia Bulldogs fan, then you bark at football games

Converse: If you bark at football games, then you are a Georgia Bulldogs fan(true)

Inverse: If your not a Georgia Buldogs fan, you don't bark at football games(true)

Contraposotive: If you don't bark at football games, your not a georgia Bulldogs fan (true)